Sunday, October 24, 2010

Goodbye to my Grandma from Gabe Mitchell

Gabe Mitchell
 Although this blog is predominantly by Emma and Lesley
I would love to share a beautiful little story Gabe Mitchell wrote by himself when he was 10 years old and then stood up in front of over 100 people at his grandmothers funeral and shared beautifully.

June and pat - 1st women to ride around Australia
on motorbikes for publicity for BSA bikes!
 Hello I’m Gabe, short for Gabriel and I Miss my grandma because she was really kind to me, for one thing she used to bring me on holidays and look after me while my parents were working.

And we made up our own secret language, which we talked to each other in.

I think she has gone to heaven and may be having a much better time up there than what she was having down here.

I am sad that she’s gone but I am still happy that she has gone to a better place.

I think I might see her as a ghost soon, maybe just for a while but maybe for a long time.

I think when I grow up to be much older she may be watching everything I do; I think she will be happy watching.

Looking for gemstones with my mum
(she's the little girl in the picture)
 If baba could do anything for me, I think that today she would hug me and love me and say goodbye.

She would say she would miss me very much and I am sure she would tell me don’t let anyone put you down and always remember that you are perfect.

That was the great thing about my grandma; she always loved people and especially me, just as they are.

She never tried to change anyone; she liked them all because they were different and individual.

She liked the things that made them different.

My Gran always loved being with me!
 She always had a huge smile whenever she saw me and today I am pretty sure, she still has a huge smile watching me and all of you.

I will miss her, but I look forward to her visiting me in my dreams and my meditations and I know we will continue to be great friends for a long time to come.

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