Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bobbity and Aunt Ruby's Crystal Cave (Tiger Eye)

Bobbity awoke on a fine clear morning, his head filled with thoughts of all the things he could do.
However, he simply couldn't decide which one to choose, it was as if there were so many thoughts swimming around his head, he was unable to grab just one.
He decided he must be hungry, food usually fixed everything for Bobbity.
Hopping out of bed he jumped over to where his mum had made him a steaming bowl of porridge, gulping it down, he waited for everything to become clear in his mind.................... but it didn't!

In fact he now had even more ideas of things to do.

Shrugging his shoulders, he told his mum about his problems.
She looked at him and said "Hmmm, sounds like a visit to Aunt Ruby is just what you need, off you go"

Bobbity's eyes opened wide, he loved visiting Aunt Ruby.
Aunt Ruby lived in a cave underground along a winding passageway with a bright Ruby Red door.
Inside, her cave was filled with gemstones and crystals all over the walls and ceiling.
Some had been there when she started digging (which is why she chose to live there) others had been collected from around the world for her by friends and relatives.

Every time she got a new gemstone she would settle herself and sit down holding it. She would allow the energies of the gem to wash over her and she would notice the areas of her body she felt the healing taking place in.
This way she always knew exactly what each gem was best for.
People would come from far and wide to have a visit with Aunt Ruby where she would give them specially chosen gems and crystals to heal what ever was wrong with them.

Bobbity excitedly set off for Aunt Ruby's tunnel. His little tail bouncing in the air BOBBITY HOP, BOBBITY HOP, BOBBITY HOP, just a little bit faster than he usually went.

Arriving at the entrance it looked just like any other burrow he had ever seen.
He wiggled down into the tunnel and wound his way along the passageways, he knew exactly which way to turn to get to Aunt Ruby's.
Sure enough, rounding the last corner he came upon a bright red 'Ruby' coloured door.
Above the door were some bright shiny herkimer diamonds - to put everyone who entered into a happier state of mind.
To the side was a lovely shiny brass bell and hanging down on the string was a beautiful quartz crystal to make the ringing even clearer.

Bobbity happily rang the bell and listened, he heard the delicate tap, tap, tapping of Aunt Ruby's pretty slippers coming closer to the door.
She swung the door open and looked down at Bobbity.
A big smile crossed her face "well hello, my favourite nephew, come on in, I am so pleased to see you".
Bobbity grinned - it was so lovely when a grown up was delighted to see you he thought.

As he entered the cave his face lit up as he slowly looked around her beautiful cave. It didn't seem to matter how many times he had visited before, every time it was even more magnificent than the last and he truly loved being here.
He looked up to see twinkling gems scattered all over the ceiling. On the walls were more gems carefully pressed into the hard dirt walls where Aunt Ruby had made special shapes in the wall just to hold each one snugly.
The floors had tiny tumbled gems pressed into them which made a lovely 'massage' feel on your feet as you walked about. In fact Aunt Ruby often asked the people who visited her to take off their shoes and walk on her floor to tickle their reflexology points on their feet (they are the points that wake up different parts of your body and make them healthy again).
In the middle of the room was a fascinating roof light, it had a globe in the middle where the light came from and Aunt Ruby had made a metal frame to go around it and from the frame hung all manner of gems and crystals that twinkled and danced in the light.
It really did make the room feel quite magical.

Aunt Ruby bustled about to make Bobbity and herself a cup of tea from freshly picked herbs and infused with some gem essences to brighten their day.
Soon they were seated, drinking tea and Bobbity was feeling brighter already.

"What can I do for you today Bobbity" winked Aunt Ruby, knowing that Bobbity's mummy would always send him here when he was being just a little bit too difficult for her to handle.

The words tumbled out of Bobbity's mouth so quickly that Aunt Ruby had to ask him to sip some more tea, calm down and tell her all over again.
Bobbity sipped the tea, took a deep breath and told Aunt Ruby about how he had so many thoughts and idea that he just didn't know where to begin. He wanted to do EVERYTHING today, he wanted to travel and to build things, to explore and to adventure, to climb up high and dig down low and then he had ideas about inventions that could change the world.
He shared that he had so many thoughts he couldn't possibly pick just one and therefore he was doing absolutely nothing!
Zip, nada, not a thing, he couldn't possibly know where to begin and then with so many thoughts running through his mind, he couldn't possibly stop and he certainly couldn't possibly rest.

Aunt Ruby nodded (she had heard everyone's concerns before and always knew exactly the best thing to fix them). Standing up she reached way up high over her head for a sparkly yellow stone and plucked it from it's resting place.
Handing it to Bobbity, she said "I think this will be just the thing you are needing, sit quietly and hold on to it for a little while as I go about some washing I need to do".
Tip toeing away in her little slippers Bobbity was left alone with his gem, he looked down at the stone in his paws - as he moved it about it twinkled back at him with flashes of yellow and brown, glinting in the light.
"I know this one" Bobbity thought, "this is Tiger Eye, I remembered because it looks like a sparkly tigers eye".

Aunt Ruby had previously taught him to sit still and quietly allow the energies of the stone to wash over him. At first he felt absolutely nothing as he held the stone, he wondered if it was working and turned the stone over in his paws watching it glint in the light.
Sometimes Bobbity felt the energies of the stones, other times he didn't. Sometimes they worked immediately, other times they began their healing hours, days or even weeks later.
Sometimes the stones were just held once, other times Aunt Ruby needed to give Bobbity essences of the gems to take home and use every day for several weeks or even months.
But whether Bobbity felt the energies or not, over time, there was always changes.

As he sat there today, he felt nothing! He was a little disappointed as Aunt Ruby came back into the crystal cave and asked how he was feeling.
"Fine" Bobbity sadly replied
"Why the sad face my darling nephew"? asked Aunt Ruby.
"I guess I was just hoping to feel the energies today and nothing happened" replied Bobbity
"really" exclaimed Aunt Ruby, "how's that head of yours doing, are there still thousands of ideas and thoughts running through it then"?

Bobbity thought about it for a moment and a huge grin appeared on his face "Nope, Aunt Ruby, there's only one thought right now" Bobbity hopped over, giving Aunt Ruby a great big hug.

"I'm off to get a diary to write down all my inventions so I can use them later and then I am going out in the field to pick mum some chamomile tea for us to share before bedtime, as I am pretty sure I am going to get a good nights sleep tonight".

Aunt Ruby, hugged Bobbity back and smiled "that's a good chap" she carefully took the Tiger Eye and popped it back in its little space in the ceiling, "I'm so glad to be able to have shared with you today".

Bobbity grinned back, thanked her and hopped out the ruby red door into the passageway.
He felt fresh and happy, like his mind had room to breathe again.
He thought about getting his diary and writing down all his plans and off he went, BOBBITY HOP, BOBBITY HOP, BOBBITY HOP all the way back to the chamomile patch and then home.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Delore's Day

It came to pass that one day Emma found herself sitting in the garden with absolutely nothing to do.
It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was gently shining and it would be a perfect day for.... well.... something!

But, everyone was busy, everyone except Emma that was. Mummy was working, Daddy was in the shed building something that he said little fingers could not yet be around, big brother was doing whatever big brothers do, absolutely everyone was busy, all except Emma.

Emma tried and tried but could think of absolutely nothing she wanted to do, so here she sat, just wishing for something, anything she could fill her day with.

As she sat on the warm grass, a delicate little dragonfly alighted on the rock next to her and looked up at her - its wings sparkling in the sun. "Why do you look so sad Emma?" the little dragonfly asked.

Emma was most surprised as she never realised dragonflies could talk, but quickly (so she didn't seem rude) replied, "that's just it, everyone is busy except me, like you I have nothing to do at all".
"Like me?" the dragonfly asked, "Why I think you must be mistaken I am one of the busiest of all. My name is Delores and I have sooooo much to do on this wondrous day".
"Like what?" Emma asked, wondering what on earth Delores would need to do.

Delores sighed and rested down her wings next to Emma. "You are rather lucky Emma" she explained, "you see, your life is long and you have a great deal of time to do things. Sometimes that is good, but sometimes it leads you to miss how beautiful and important things are"

"For me, my life is short compared to yours, once I have hatched into an adult, my life is only from a few weeks to around two months". "In that time, I need to grow, to explore, to see this wonderful world and everything I can". "I must find a mate and have some babies and complete all I need to before the last sun sinks for me, it is not a great deal of time".

Emma looked at Delores and said "you mean you only live for up to eight weeks, is that it?"
Delores smiled at Emma
"Yes, Emma I am afraid so, but it is not as bad as you think". "All people and animals have different life cycles and times they are on earth, but it is different to each, you see my life feels as long to me as yours does to you, but to you, my life seems very short".

"You have the joy of taking your time to do everything, I do not, I must love every day, enjoy every moment, do as much as I can and squeeze as many adventures into every day as I can"

Delores winked at Emma and continued "when life is precious to you, you make the most of it"
Emma smiled  and jumped up with glee when Delores alighted from her resting rock shouting "come on Emma, the sun is shining we have adventures and discoveries to make, lets go together"

Delores showed Emma the most magical day. She taught her how to imagine the rainbows were floating in water when the suns rays danced on the water fountain. She delighted in watching the mosquito wrigglers do their funny dance in the pond, they giggled together at the funny songs the frogs made up to welcome the new day and both rolled around in laughter as the kookaburras chuckled away in the treetops.

Delores found a mate and laid her eggs in the water to hatch into dragonfly larvae to begin their special day in a few months.

Emma looked at the trees in a different way as they swayed in the breeze and she felt the energies of the universe flow through her on the top of the hill.

Their day was filled with excitement and adventure, even though nothing had really changed except the way they looked at things together.

As the sun grew low over the valley and the day closed, Emma looked sadly at Delores and asked "Is this your last sunset?" she whispered to Delores.
Grinning at her Delores replied "Never can tell you know, no one can, that's why you must live everyday as if is was, one day you'll get it right and if you have done everything you could then the sun will set happily on you".

"Goodnight Emma it's time for you to go in, I can hear your mummy calling to you" Delores smiled
"Goodnight Delores, thank you for showing me a wonderful day"

Emma dashed inside, ate her dinner, bathed and brushed her teeth, kissed everyone goodnight and tucked up in bed thinking about Delores.

She decided to live every day as if it was truly special, just like Delores.
Tomorrow she would plants some vege seeds, dig over the old patch of dirt she wanted to grow a peach tree in, take her puppy for a long walk, make sure her chickens are well fed and happy and be extra sweet and kind to everyone she met (even her brother).
Drifting off to sleep, she whispered goodnight to Delores and thought (just in case it was her last sunset) that she would surely keep a look out for Delores's babies and watch out for how they decided to make the most of their wonderful days too.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Opening hearts and Fairy Visualisation

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, now gently breathe out and then another deep breath in.
As you breathe out imagine all your worries and troubles flowing out of you.
As you breathe in, imagine yourself filling with beautiful bright light.

Visualise a person standing in front of you that you deeply love.
See them opening their arms and embracing you, as your chests meet, feel the love pouring from their heart to yours and yours back to them.
See the love flowing into your heart like a beautiful golden stream.

As you stand heart to heart, imagine each heart is like a flower and the petals are gently opening
See the petals reaching out to each other and gently mingling together, as they touch, feel the love flowing around the petals and into your heart filling you with a beautiful warm glow.
Know you are deeply loved, you are supported, you are cared for.
See your heart smiling
You feel warm, safe and loved.

As you separate from your loved one, know that even when they are not with you that their love fills your heart and loves you always. You are always connected and together and you can feel safe always by going into your heart.

Your loved one gently moves back from you with the love still flowing into your heart as they have someone special who has been waiting to meet you.

As you look down you will notice a stream with a tiny lily pad floating towards you and on that lily pad is the tiniest, most delicate little fairy waiting for you. She looks most excited to see you and begins waving and shouting out hello to you.
As she gets closer you can see she is holding out her hand and wanting you to come to her.
You reach down to take her tiny hand and notice that you begin to get smaller and smaller until you are the size of this tiny fairy.
She is so thrilled to be with you, "come on" she says
"I have so many exciting things to share with you"

You look back up at your special person, filled with love and they are so much bigger than you now, making their love for you seem even larger, they smile and wave to you wishing you a happy adventure.

Giving them a little smile, you look back to the fairy and say hello
She tells you that she has some amazing places and special things to share with you tonight.
Keeping your eyes closed you can imagine all the special place she wants to take you.

Looking down you notice that you have climbed aboard the lily pad and it is setting off now - what a wonderful adventure.
Up ahead you can see sparkling castle turrets and a wonderful fairy kingdom in the distance.
The trees sparkle and glimmer and she tell you that this is just the beginning, there are so many wonderful things for you to see in fairy land and she is going to show them all to you.

Keeping your eyes closed, I am going to leave you with this tiny special fairy now and I look forward to hearing about your wonderful adventures in fairy land in the morning.