Thursday, December 16, 2010

A grounding visualisation

Do you ever have a day when you feel like you aren't really in your body?
Perhaps you have been a little clumsy or tripped over just about everything.
Mum or dad may have got cross when you dropped something or spilled the juice, or maybe you are just feeling a little - "not quite right".

It may be that you are not grounded.

We all have spiritual bodies, etheric bodies and physical bodies.

Auric colours showing the energies around
Daryll's physical body

The physical ones are easy - they are what we see and can touch, this body bleeds and gets bruised when we hurt ourselves.
The etheric body is our energy body, whilst we can see our physical body, the etheric body is the one we cannot see with our usual eyes.
Whatever we have in the physical we also have in the etheric body. For example - you have a physical arm, you also have an etheric arm. If you cut your physical arm, you also cut your etheric arm.
When the physical is cut, blood comes out and we put a bandaid on or get a person to fix it until the arm begins to heal.
However, what has happened to the etheric cut, it is also there and still leaking, but it is not leaking blood - it is leaking energy!

However, almost no one sees the energy leaking and so we often don't fix it.
Yet, it is quite easy to do with energy healing, we can use a Renascent Chi energy practitioner disc and simply wave it over the body to heal the area or we may use a Quartz crystal and some etheric healing work (listed in the Awaken your energies with crystals & gems book)

If you think back to every broken bone, every cut, every bruise, every hurt you have had and begin to remember all these injuries, you may realise that there may be many energy leaks in your body.

Once these are fixed, you may find that you have more energy and are feeling a lot healthier and more balanced (I'll share some more ideas with how to do this later on).

Then we come to our spiritual body, this is the part of us that we carry from one life to the next, it is the part of us that grows, learns and we always keep.
As we move into a new body, the spiritual body comes with us and moves into that body also.
However, some times our spiritual body begins to move away from the physical, it slips up out of the physical body and we become ungrounded.

This is when we drop things, we get tired, we can't focus as well, we get funny aches and pains for no reason and we get more easily upset by others.
You can see it's pretty important to keep grounded.

There is a really simple exercise you can do and I'd like to share it with you now.

Relax and close you eyes, take a few deep and slow belly breaths.
Allow yourself to relax and calm your mind and body.

Imagine your spiritual body sliding down inside you.

Feel it coming down into your head, your shoulders, sliding down your arms, your elbows and your hands.
Feel your spiritual body pushing down into your finger tips like sliding into a glove.
Feel it sliding down your throat, your chest, your tummy, down to your hips, your knees and your feet.

Feel your body sliding down inside you and filling your feet, imagine your feet are toes gloves and your spiritual body is sliding down inside these toe gloves, feel yourself sliding into each and every toe, feel yourself pushing into the end of each toe.

Your body feels heavy and solid.

Remember up to the top and look through your body in your mind, imagine your spiritual body, filling up your physical, look over your body, is there anywhere that is not full, if so, slide into it, push right down into your toes and fingers, your nose and hair, feel yourself completely filling this beautiful physical body you have created.

Notice how settled and peacful you feel, your mind is quiet, your body is calm, you are grounded, centred and at peace.
You can now relax and sleep peacefully knowing when you wake up your body will be grounded and able to work really well to do everything you want to do.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Opening Heart Visualisation

Have you ever had a day when you heart is feeling closed.
Perhaps a few things have gone wrong and you aren't feeling very special.
Here's a special visualisation just for you to help your heart to blossom open once more.

Lay down and close your eyes
Take a really deep breath, so deep your tummy raises up as you breathe in, breathe in slowly feeling your tummy rise and then slowly breathe out.
As you breath out, feel your tummy come back in.
This is called belly breathing, slowly breathe in and out allowing your tummy to raise up and lower down.
As you breathe in, imagine your body being filled with a beautiful bright light.

See the light coming in through the top of your head, flowing throughout your body and then washing down and out your toes and fingers.
Any areas of sadness or trouble will look like black marks in your body, see the light wash them away.

As the light swirls down your body, see it reach the stuck black marks and send them swirling around your body, see the darkness moving and spinning around in circles, turning into beautiful bright light and spiralling out of your body.

See this light coming in and swirling around you until all the dark spots are gone, changed into beautiful bright light.
See the light swirling throughout your entire body.

See your body glowing with this beautiful bright light, see it getting brighter and brighter, see your entire body beginning to glow.

Look into your heart, what ever has been troubling you, allow the light to wash it away.
Can you see you heart clearly now?
Is it smiling, is it open and blossoming?

If not, smile at your heart.
Imagine the biggest grin you can and send it to your heart.
It's funny, when you make such a huge smile, that your heart just can't help smiling back.
Does your heart have a little smile or a huge grin?
If it's only a little smile, smile right back at it, even bigger.

Imagine your heart is a beautiful flower, see the petals opening, your heart is beginning to blossom.
Allow each petal to gently unfold one at a time.

Can you see how each petal is gently curling open?
Can you see how each time a petal unfolds you can see a little more of the hearts beautiful big smile?

Continue on, opening each and every petal, the first row is now completed, the 2nd row of petals begins to open, then the third and the fourth, your flower is opening right up now and if you look carefully in the middle you will see your hearts beautiful smile.

Have you seen this before?

Perhaps you have never smiled at your heart before.

Look at your heart smiling at you, isn't it beautiful?
This is where you keep all your special thoughts and memories, your heart is always with you and it is filled with love.
Tell your heart you love it, welcome your heart and tell it you think it is beautiful.
Notice how it opens even more and the smile grows bigger and bigger.

See the love streaming from your heart for yourself and all people in the world.
Imagine a beautiful stream of love flowing from your heart to everyone in the world, see how it mingles with the love of other enlightened people and gets even bigger, see their love mingling with yours and coming back to you.

Notice how beautiful it is.

This is you, your special place to come and feel love any time you need to.
Why not snuggle into your heart, it is soft and warm and lovely, like sleeping in a bed of rose petals.
It smells beautiful and feels so soft, snuggle into your heart and feel the love all around you like a beautiful warm blanket, snuggle up inside and drift off to sleep knowing you are loved, you are special, you are cherished and you are a very blessed beautiful person filled with love for yourself and others.